As We Descend

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As We Descend

As We Descend is a strategy roguelike deckbuilder: you must play your cards right in both the City-Vault and on the battlefield. As the final vestige of civilization on a decaying world, weigh each decision carefully so that the city may yet survive its descent with humanity intact.

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Key Features

Assemble your forces

Recruit new unit squads by utilizing scavenged technology. Each squad is a specialist archetype with its own set of cards which can be added, removed, and upgraded. Deploy the right composition of special forces in order to tailor your deck for each battle you face.

Plan and strategize

The city is the last bastion of humanity and serves as your main base. Familiarize yourself with its denizens so you can survive its feudal politics and gain allies. Make the most of your limited resources so you can prepare sufficiently before the next wave of enemies.

Outsmart your foes

Against titanic enemies, you must rely on not just strength but wit. Adapt your tactics each turn by reacting to enemy intents. Master the combat zone system: reposition your forces between the Defender Zone and the Support Zone in order to dodge enemy attacks and set up a defensive line.

React to randomized runs

Each descent is a new challenge, pitting you against a new face of the twisting world as you attempt to break through the three biomes to enter the core. New events and encounters await you. Even if you fail, you will uncover more secrets and begin the next journey with more knowledge and tools to ever delve deeper.

Decide the fate of the city

Hailing from one of the three great factions of the City-Vault, you alone hold the key to its fate amidst the post-apocalypse. Outmaneuver the medieval politics of the city and unearth its deepest secrets. As the first and last line of defense for the city walls, you must hold the line...

Developed By:

Box Dragon


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